IEA/Kingfar Award

The IEA/Kingfar Award for Student Research in Human Factors and Ergonomics Issues in Industrially Developing Countries (The IEA/Kingfar Award)

The IEA/Kingfar Award is given annually to honour persons who have made high-quality human factors and ergonomics  (HFE) research achievements that address issues typical of industrially developing countries (IDCs). The purpose of the award is to encourage a deserving person to further explore original research and applications on HFE issues typical of IDC, thereby potentially improving the well-being of people in IDCs.

*  Honor eligible nominees who have made high-quality human factors and ergonomics  (HFE) research achievements that address issues typical of industrially developing countries (IDCs).
*   Honor up to eight winners each year.
*   Award each winner a prize of $1,000 USD.

*   The submitted research achievement should address HFE issues typical of IDCs, which is proved by submitted evidentiary documents. All areas of HFE are acceptable.
*   The submitted research achievement should have been accomplished by the nominated student prior to graduation.
*   The nominee is a registered PhD student or a PhD candidate. Newly graduated ex-students who have been awarded a PhD within the past year are acceptable.
*   The nominee has to have made a major contribution to the submitted research achievement, preferably the first or corresponding author of the evidentiary technical document(s).
*   The nominee is a member of an IEA federated or affiliated society, or a self-recommending individual whom an IEA federated or affiliated society agrees to nominate.

Details: Click here

IEA/Tsinghua Award

The IEA/Tsinghua Award for Collaborative Human Factors and Ergonomics Education for Industrially Developing Countries (The IEA/Tsinghua Award)

The IEA/Tsinghua Award for Collaborative Human Factors and Ergonomics Education for Industrially Developing Countries is given annually to honor persons (e.g., researchers, teachers) who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the success of postgraduate educational programs that have human factors and ergonomics (HFE) courses in the curriculum or contain substantial HFE content in some courses, through international and/or inter-regional collaboration.

*   Honor eligible nominees who have made outstanding contributions to the success of postgraduate educational programs.
*   Select up to two programs. Each program may be represented by up to two nominees.
*   Award winners a prize of $8,000 USD in total. The prize is shared by the winners.

*   The program is a result of international/inter-regional collaboration.
*   The program has HFE courses in its curriculum or contains substantial HFE contents in some courses;
*   The program is preferentially implemented at a university in a non-high-income country. It may be implemented at a university in a high-income country, but students should be mainly from non-high-income countries whose actual tuition burden is within the low to medium range;
*   The program is formally selected by an IEA Federated or Affiliated Society.

*   The nominee can be anyone (e.g., scholar, researcher, industrial expert) who contributed to the success of the selected educational program through its development or implementation. Typically, the contribution is made through a short-term visit to the university, an inter-professor collaboration, or just by personal invitation, but persons who are/were employed by the program cannot represent the program as nominees;
*   The nominee is a member of an IEA Federated or Affiliated Society.

Details: Click here