The vision of the Council is to take the Asian initiative in ergonomics and design. The Council aims to reflect fast changing needs and issues of Asian academics and industries, enhance collaboration and relationship among Asian scholars and practitioners, disseminate Asian ergonomic standards and regulations to the rest of the world and enhance the contribution of Asian professionals in the international societies.


The organization was initiated at the kick-off meeting in April 2013 at South Korea. The first ACED conference was held in Jeju, South Korea in May 2014. The Council decided from then on, that the conference would be held every three years. The second ACED Conference was held in Chiba, Japan in 2017 and the third one in 2020 was scheduled to be in the Philippines. However, due to the Covid 19 pandemic the 2020 conference was held virtually. The fourth ACED conference will be held in 2023 in Mumbai, India


The objectives of ACED are to:
a) reflect fast changing needs and issues of Asian academics and industries
b) enhance collaboration and relationship among Asian scholars and practitioners
c) disseminate Asian ergonomic standards and regulations to the rest of the world
d) enhance the contribution of Asian professionals in the international societies
e) share the ergonomic and design knowledge/experience among Asian countries


The supreme authority of the Society is vested in the Council Meeting of members also called the Council. The Council is attended by delegates appointed by the member societies. The Council makes all major decisions concerning the organization, including rule changes, general policy, activities, membership, election of presidency, and budget. The administration of the Society is entrusted to the Executive Committee consisting minimally of the following to be elected every third Annual Council Meeting:
A President
A Vice President
A Secretary
An Assistant Secretary
A Treasurer